
I’m Shannon Laurel


I specialize in helping my clients overcome feelings of overwhelm and disconnection using the magic of the Akashic Records. My approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the root cause of anxiety or fear and why that’s holding you back and making you feel exhausted and frustrated with life.


In our session together, we’ll journey into your past lives to discover the source of the cycles, patterns, cords & contracts that are binding you and keeping you from feeling free and finding your forward momentum. I love to help people feel seen, feel light, and feel peaceful when they leave our meeting.


My clients often describe me as a healer with a gentle and steady presence, and I love to take a playful and magical approach to reading the Akashic Records to help you tap into your inner wisdom and find the answers you need to move forward in your life.


Whether you're looking for guidance on a specific issue or just want to explore your inner self, I’m excited to walk beside you on this journey to help you live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.